Who Are We?
Why Mercian?
Group Ethos
Our Methods
Other Services

Who Are We?

What are we doing this for?

The Mercian Heritage Group comprises about half a dozen enthusiastic amateurs.  We demand no payment for what we do.  We are merely a group of friends with a shared interest in local (and wider) history. 

It's crucial to try and preserve as much of our heritage as we can, while we can.  Local knowledge will not be available for ever.  Artefacts in the ground are under threat from ever-deeper ploughing.  Fields are being developed, factories and housing built upon open areas, wind farms being created in rural areas.  All of these are a necessary part of population growth (sadly, in some cases).  However, before development takes place, we can try and find out as much as possible about the locale and record it. 

For example, within the last few years with the development of DIRFT (the Daventry International Rail Freight Terminal at Crick in Northamptonshire), a Bronze Age settlement was built over and now has concrete bases and several warehouses sitting on it and the information available from such an important site has been lost forever.

It is mandatory that all members of the group have civil liability insurance to a minimum level of cover of £5,000,000 as provided by the NCMD.
